How do I get Netsuite CSV mass updates to notify the UniSyn system
When you are doing a CSV import to a category that is already on a store or a company that has users on a store, in the second stage "Import Options&qu...
Fri, 26 Jan, 2018 at 11:09 AM
How are UniSyn Categories ordered when pulled from Netsuite?
Each UniSyn Category in Netsuite has a sequence property that represents its weight in the list. Raise the sequence to make it appear further down the list ...
Tue, 30 Jan, 2018 at 3:20 PM
Why wont my Netsuite TopSale survey question changes sync to the webstore?
Due to how the event listeners are setup to watch for survey changes in Netsuite, only the save action on the Survey Template fires off the sync for the sur...
Thu, 2 Aug, 2018 at 5:48 PM
Why are my UniSyn categories not being assigned to the products sync'd from Netsuite
Usually this is due to you missing a price table on the product in Netsuite. Our system sees this and stops the sync and moves on. You need to define at ...
Thu, 2 Aug, 2018 at 5:48 PM
How is the UniSyn status synced with the Netsuite status on an order submitted to Netsuite?
Our system maintains and controls the Approval Pending, Approval Denied, Approved, Cancelled, and Paid statuses. In the TopSale > Orders > Status Mana...
Thu, 13 Dec, 2018 at 4:18 PM