You can create links that when clicked will open the user's email client to send a new email. It is possible to provide certain properties to the new email. Below are the properties you can provide. Note that the first property is separated by a question mark "?" while each following property is separated by an ampersand "&".
Basic email address to send email to:
<a href="">Contact Support</a>
Will email
Provide a subject for the new email:
Keep in mind that this property depends on the email client in use by the user. Some clients do not support this property and so the new email will not receive the specified subject.
The subject text must be encoded for url meaning special characters and spaces need to be replaced by URL encoded values. URL encode reference. Space for example is converted to %20.
<a href="">Contact Support</a>
Will email with a subject of "UniSyn Support Request".
Provide a body for the new email:
Keep in mind that this property depends on the email client in use by the user. Some clients do not support this property and so the new email will not receive the specified body.
The body text must be encoded for url meaning special characters and spaces need to be replaced by URL encoded values. URL encode reference. Space for example is converted to %20. A new line is represented as %0D.
<a href=",%0DUniSyn%20Staff">Contact Support</a>
Will email with a subject of "UniSyn Support Request". It will have a body of:
Your email body here.
UniSyn Staff